
The 2024 competition program: unseen, award-winning, entertaining, political.

Festivalfocus : DISSONANCE

The OpenEyes Filmfest is known each year for its challenging yet entertaining program and its unparalleled open-air atmosphere.

Under the theme DISSONANCE, the 29th OpenEyes Filmfest explores the complex relationships between harmony and conflict.

All competition films interpret the festival theme in their own unique way. Whether through subtle nuances or stark contrasts, light-hearted humor, or deep seriousness—the festival’s films offer a wide range of perspectives.

For the first time, we have dedicated a second competition block to animated films, alongside powerful documentary and fictional works. The experimental films and music videos at OEFF2024 are distinguished not only by their focus on the central theme but also by their strong artistic originality.

The open-air program features films from all four competition categories.

The final competition block on Sunday evening delves deeply into this year’s festival focus.

The competition features films from 26 different production countries, ranging from low-budget productions to side projects by Hollywood filmmakers.

We are showcasing 22 films as German, European, or international premieres, along with 30 works that have already received multiple prestigious awards.

Nineteen films will be personally represented by attending filmmakers.

Experience a film festival of contrasts, where extraordinary films are screened under the open sky and presented in captivating thematic blocks.

Audience Competition

Throughout the festival, attendees have the opportunity to vote for their favorites via an app or by ballot, helping to determine the festival winners in the four competition categories. All films screened at the festival are part of the international competition. The winning films are selected in four categories.

THURSDAY | July 25th

Pattern/sound: live

Live Performance | Max Hattler | ~ 20:00-35:00


Ali Khaledi | IRN | Spielfilm | 09:23 | 2023

Burning blue

Cecilia Luna Pohl, Kim Ly Lam | KOR | Dokumentarfilm | 27:59 | 2023

the view from the plane

Daniele Grosso | PRT | Animationsfilm | 05:45 | 2024

terra mater

Kantarama Gahigiri | CHE, RWA | Experimentalfilm | 09:51 | 2023


Abdullah Furkan Doğan | TUR | Animationsfilm | 16:05 | 2024

Sea Salt

Leila Basma | CZE, LBN | Spielfilm | 19:06 | 2023

la farsa

Guillem Miró | ESP | Spielfilm | 16:00 | 2024

FRIDAY | July 26th

beyond the sea

Jona Schloßer | DEU | Spielfilm | 20:47 | 2024

the night inside

Antonio Cuesta | ESP | Spielfilm | 23:54 | 2023


María Abenia | ESP | Spielfilm | 29:00 | 2022

recordings of a weather camera

Bernhard Wenger | AUT, DEU | Spielfilm | 18:28 | 2023


Max Hattler | HKG, DEU | Animationsfilm | 07:00 | 2023


Margot Reumont | BEL, FRA | Animationsfilm | 15:00 | 2022

▲ (ALT 30)

Mathis Hernoë, Alexandre Clermont, Thomas Louchet | FRA | Animationsfilm| 06:30 | 2023


Jon Frickey, Thies Mynther, Sandra Trostel | DEU | Animationsfilm | 28:08 | 2023

stray flower

Nandi Nastasja | DEU | Spielfilm | 14:49 | 2023

mortelli, a hopeless case

Ben Fernández | ESP | Animationsfilm | 17:36 | 2023

Dreams like paper boats

Samuel Suffren | HTI | Kategorie | 18:45 | 2024

square the circle

Hanna Hovitie | FIN | Dokumentarilm | 17:26 | 2023

A Summer’s end poem

LAM Can-zhao | CHN, CHE, MYS | Spielfilm | 15:00 | 2024

A day in the life of pierres

Alice Khol | Experimentalfilm / Musikvideo | BEL | 23:00 | 2024

SATURDAY | July 27th

the lady with lipstick

Francesca Coppola | CHE | Dokumentarfilm | 09:00 | 2023

home is where the starfruit are sour

Huy Nguyen | DEU | Dokumentarfilm | 24:20 | 2023

tiny fountain

Stratis Alvanos | GRC | Dokumentarfilm | 08:56 | 2024


Christof Schürpf| CHE | Dokumentarfilm | 16:54 | 2023


Jorge Moneo Quintana | ESP | Experimentalfilm | 05:00 | 2024

greenhouse studies

Caspar de Gelmini | DEU | Experimentalfilm | 10:41 | 2023


Marion Kellmann | DEU | Experimentalfilm | 16:24 | 2023


Samy Benammar | CAN | Experimentalfilm | 03:48 | 2023

Into the storm

Lisa Bosvieux, Antoine Bargain | FRA | Experimentalfilm / Musikvideo | 11:40 | 2023

melt trio – schimmer

Fabian Podeszwa | DEU | Experimentalfilm | 04:13 | 2023

apple from apple tree

Malwina Postaremczak | POL | Experimentalfilm | 07:07 | 2024

marketing keeled free web like a storm

Benna Gaean Maris | BEL | Experimentalfilm | 04:00 | 2022

the ghosts you draw on my back

Nikola Stojanović | SRB | Spielfilm | 14:00 | 2023


Mark Lorei | DEU | Spielfilm | 29:40 | 2023

Goodbye milo

Nicolas Schönberger | DEU | Spielfillm | 14:18 | 2024

This is not a character, this is betrayal

Romina Küper | DEU | Spielfilm | 13:20 | 2024

Find your self-ish

Benno Schulze | DEU | Animationsfilm | 09:59 | 2024


Jule Heid | DEU | Dokumentarfilm | 02:38 | 2024

middle watch

Aiesha Penwarden, John Stevenson | GBR | Animationsfilm | 12:00 | 2022

open water

Miguel Temme | DEU | Dokumentarfilm | 24:23 | 2024

i see them bloom

Mykyta Gibalenko | DEU | Spielfilm | 27:00 | 2023

Deep time of latent space

Eric Souther | USA | Experimentalfilm| 09:59 | 2024

20 liter o

Marius Alsleben, Marius Schwingel | DEU | Experimentalfilm | 06:18 | 2024

SUNDAY | July 28th

Bye bear

Jan Bitzer | DEU | Animationsfilm | 10:44 | 2023


Nicolas Jacquet | FRA | Animationsfilm | 14:10 | 2024

little fan

Sveta Yuferova | DEU | Animationsfilm | 05:13 | 2023

point and line to cosmos

Pablo Ballarín | EST | Animationsfilm | 08:26 | 2024


Victor Mingote | ESP | Animationsfilm | 13:00 | 2023


Anna Benner | DEU | Animationsfilm | 07:59 | 2023

when the fog comes

Laurentia Genske| DEU | Dokumentarfilm | 23:23 | 2023

Amor sei mit dir

Andrea Erja | DEU | Dokumentarfilm | 10:59 | 2023

incomprehensible dokra

Sneha Das, Monjima Mullick | IND | Dokumentarfilmn | 07:44 | 2023

when a rocket sits on the launch pad

Bohao Liu | CHN, USA | Dokumentarfilmn | 12:00 | 2023


Reza Golchin| IRN | Dokumentarfilm | 01:40 | 2024

Es gibt keine angst

Anna Zett | DEU | Dokumentarfilm | 31:29 | 2023

male gazing

David Verdeure | BEL | Experimentalfilm | 07:30 | 2024

Alder queen

Benjamin Kramme | DEU | Spielfilm | 12:26 | 2023

from our side

Simone Massi | ITA | Animationsfilm | 05:00 | 2022

the ritual

Mikhail Zheleznikov | RUS | Dokumentarfilm | 14:06 | 2023

I Feel Your Silence

Laura Heinig | DEU | Dokumentarfilm | 17:15 | 2023

the real truth about the fight

Andrea Slaviček | HRV, ESP | Spielfilm | 14:00 | 2023

getty abortions

Franzis Kabisch | DEU, AUT | Dokumentarfilm | 21:45 | 2023